Charles and a monkey share a meaningful sidelong glance.

The Darwin Awards

2022 Slush Pile

Submissions From Readers
Which should we promote to winners?

Pending Review

We Need A New Wendy!

Wendy says: "Here is a new Wendy! Thanks for thinking of me. Working hard to eradiate political stuff. Surely some inappropriate submissions are screened by moderators. We would welcome your help as a moderator of submissions. For ten years I suffered a debilitating writers block and a coding block. But now I am free of those problemos! Full Steam Ahead in 2022."


I miss the days where

1) Wendy was active.
2) Darwin Awards wasn't politicized by people exploiting covid deaths.

We need a new wendy.

Submitted on 01/13/2022

Submitted by:

>> Moderator Scores <<

Tracy said:
Definitely Keep: For Darwin's Eyes

Bruce said:
Definitely Keep: For Darwin's Eyes