Charles Darwin's Darwin Awards 
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Darwin Awards  
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Buy cool stuff & keep the website, ahem, alive.

Thick Cotton T-Shirts 
Each T-Shirt Packaged with a Free 8"x11" Poster!

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$4 Shipping to US Destinations
$10 Shipping Outside the US

The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

$6 Darwin Fish.
5.5" x 2.2" Silver Emblem like those commonly seen on cars--only way sexier. A cute fish, floating belly-up, illustrating the mechanism of natural selection. Minimum order is 2.   





The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

The Darwin Awards Condom

Keep yourself out of the gene pool!
A condom in a matchbook, useful for emergency contraception, bachelor parties, frat parties, and important rites of passage. LOADED inside and out with funny quotes and stories. Everyone loves this item!
Friends don't let friends reproduce!
$13 for Pack of 4



New Products! 
Better pictures coming soon...

The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

$12 Stationery Set
Two greeting cards (Birthday & Get Well Soon), two 4"x6" notepads, a safety poster, and a fish emblem, are bundled together for your enjoyment. (Better images coming soon, but trust me, this is one sweet set.)




Custom Products Made by Wendy

Darwin Awards Pint Glass
$15 each, 2 for $22 | Bottoms Up!
Laser-etched pint glass, with the felicitous suggestion,
Bottoms Up! Each glass is etched individually by Wendy, using a Helix
laser, so there are minor variations between glasses.
Pint Glass $15



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The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

The Darwin Awards: Evolution in Action

Hardback. 327 pages. Autographed.
185 Stories! In the ongoing saga of Survival of the Fittest, meet the thief who steals electrical wires without shutting off the current! Marvel at the would-be pilot who suspends his lawnchair from helium balloons! Learn from the man who peers into a gas can using a cigarette lighter...!

This book also includes a History of the Darwin Awards, Darwin Haiku, and a dozen humorous discussions of the implications of evolution, including the origin of idiots, and the role of testosterone.

Autographed by Author!



The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

Darwin Awards II: Unnatural Selection

Hardback. 240 pages. Autographed.
A fresh collection of magnificent misadventures! Lust, Vanity, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Envy, and Wrath extract an evolutionary toll on the wicked. Salute the owner of an equipment training school who demonstrates the dangers of driving a forklift by failing to survive the filming of his own safety video. Witness the man who becomes a victim of his own strange passion for jumping into rivers. Heed the honest bricklayer who loses a battle of wits with 300 pounds of tools.

This book includes more History of the Awards, Gordon's Law, and 10 discussions of evolution, including speciation and the role of verbal memes in civilization.

Autographed by Author!



The Darwin Awards Gift Shop

Darwin Awards III: Survival of the Fittest

Hardback. 304 pages. Autographed.
The human race's most popular humor series returns with a brand-new collection of macabre mishaps and misadventures. Honoring those who improve our gene pool by inadvertently removing themselves from it, the Darwin Awards III shows once more how uncommon common sense still is.

Salute the sheriff who inadvertently shot himself--twice! Witness the insurance defrauder who amputated his leg with a chainsaw! Heed the story of the farmer who avoided bee stings by sealing his head in a plastic bag! Cringe at the man crushed by a branch he'd just severed... directly over his head!

123 new stories, 18 full-page illustrations, plus discussions of transgenic animals, the origin of life, and more.

Autographed by Author!



Coming Soon!

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