Pending Review
A Drink in the Lab
One of my colleagues in my chemistry had arrived on an exchange from over-seas. As an individual with a love for alcohol and the ability to stomach 70% alcohol, she thought she would try the 100% pure ethanol that we keep for our experiments. Upon pulling a shot glass out, she grabbed a bottle from the ethanol cabinet and poured herself some of the clear, colourless, odourless liquid. After ingesting it, she noticed the flavour was quite different from alcohol, so she spun the bottle around to read the label, which read “Chloroform”. Indeed we have always kept both Chloroform and Ethanol in the same cabinet (this is just one instance of chemicals that have identical appearances). Immediately after, she and another colleague ran to my office to alert me to what had happened and we performed the necessary treatments. While she did not eliminate herself from the gene pool, she is definitely an at risk survivor.
Submitted on 09/14/2018
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Self Observation, August 2018