Pending Review
Train-jumping Headbanger
Wendy says,
"Added to the Archive. Darwin
denied -- he survived - but an Honorable Mention, so keep your eyes on this
live fish."
NEAR MISS - HONORABLE MENTION. REPORTED - Sydney Morning Herald (major and reliable Australian newspaper), April 8, 2018.
Shocking footage of a man jumping from a moving train on the Fremantle Railway Bridge into the Swan River metres below, narrowly avoiding death, has drawn the ire of WA Premier Mark McGowan. The middle-aged man was seen climbing atop the roof of the train on Saturday morning, waving to a camera before risking his life by jumping off, landing safely feet-first ... but only metres from a concrete pillar supporting the bridge. "That guy is a complete, utter, bloody idiot," Mr McGowan said. "He endangered his own life (and) he set a very poor example for others." The footage proved a hit when circulated on social media but, had the jumper smashed his head on the pillar, his stunt would probably have gone unnoticed.
[WA is the Australian federal state of Western Australia]
Submitted on 04/10/2018
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