Charles and a monkey share a meaningful sidelong glance.

The Darwin Awards

2022 Slush Pile

Submissions From Readers
Which should we promote to winners?

Pending Review

DONE: must remove

Ms Darwin says: "Darwin Awards corrects errors and evolves. The Rules for the Darwin Awards emerged over time, due to reader discussion and feedback like this Sanity Check by Concerned Citizen: A story in the archive has been called out as breaking the rules. It is definitely a reject, and I have disqualified it. The details are below.
The event happened in 1996. 26 years ago!! Dang, is prehistoric. I mean classic. Coming soon--those CROWDSOURCED RULES pages shall updated--OMG index.html last updated Jan 2, 2010 ??!


"OK so prior to this event, there had been a shocking tragic death of this story has two children who die from their parents stupidity, breaking all rules.

"Phillips; his wife, Angie; and their three children Courtney, 4; Meleana, 1; and Kinsleigh, 4 months, all drowned. Also killed were the children’s 3-year-old playmate Austin Dakota Roodvoets, and Carl Sidney White, 29, a family friend who dived into the lake with Mrs. Phillips to try and rescue them.

The group went to the lake Saturday night to see the monuments to the two Smith boys, who were strapped into their seats when Ms. Smith rolled her car down the boat ramp into the lake in October 1994.

But unlike the distraught Ms. Smith, who lied about her boys’ disappearance for nine days before confessing, friends and relatives say there was no hint of discord in the Phillips family.

The vehicle, with Phillips and the four children still inside, rolled into the lake lake after Mrs. Phillips got out, along with White and his girlfriend, Sonya Phillip, and her two daughters."

Submitted on 04/19/2022


Submitted by: Concerned

>> Moderator Scores <<

Tracy said:
Definitely Keep: For Darwin's Eyes

Bruce said:
Definitely Keep: For Darwin's Eyes