2020 Pending Review
tightrope walker with grenade
A normal day in Rio de Janeiro, a man tries to balance himself on a piece of wood in the middle of the street with a grenade in his pocket. The fall was a blow!
Submitted on 10/27/2020
Submitted by:
Christian Queiroz
Bruce said:
Definitely Keep: Honorable Mention
This could use a bit more of a writeup but I'm more than willing to accept it as an HM given the man wasn't killed. The piece of wood appears to be one of those big wooden spools used to transport cables. Full URL for the mods: https://www.osaogoncalo.com.br/seguranca-publica/63942/homem-brinca-com-objeto-de-madeira-cai-e-granada-que-estava-em-seu-bolso-explode-em-niteroi
Tracy said:
Definitely Keep: Honorable Mention
Definitely a HM for me - the video is a peach! a) having a grenade in your pocket, and b) walking on a spool!