Pending Review
A Doctor and Anti Vaxxer combo
From my Facebook page, Ignominious Awards
With hundreds of millions of victims in history, Smallpox was a lethal disease but one anti-vaxxer underestimated that killer. Boston Doctor Immanuel Pfeiffer was a virulent anti-vaxxer who advocated fasting, he even urged the Legislative Committee to repeal the compulsory vaccination law. Immanuel would do anything to be proven right so he accepted the proposal by the Chairman of the Board of Health of Boston to go to the Smallpox patient ridden Gallopes Islands. Arriving on January 23rd, 1902, he wanted to show that smallpox wasn’t contagious, but lo and behold… Immanuel got smallpox! Barely surviving the disease, this helped fuel the vaccination movement. Immanuel had a Ph.D in stupidity. (British Medical Journal) (Therapeutic Gazette)
Submitted on 03/07/2019
Submitted by:
John M. Wilsom