$#!t A Brick...
2017 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin
Confirmed True by Darwin

Upon questioning, the patient said that he had been fooling around with a close friend. After stirring a batch of concrete mix, the patient laid on his back with his feet up the wall while his friend poured the slurry through a funnel into his rectum.
Under general anesthesia, the mass was delivered without incident. Examination of the specimen revealed a perfect concrete cast of the rectum, measuring 12x7x5cm and weighing 275g. A layer of concrete was chipped off the upper part of the specimen revealing a white plastic ping-pong ball--the radiolucency observed in the abdominal x-ray.
The cement was an attempt to retrieve a ping pong ball! Blood alcohol level was negative. The attending physician recommended a psychiatric consultation, but the patient declined.
Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3649167
Reference: https://people.well.com/user/cynsa/cement.html
"There is a difference between a submission and a bumsission..." -C.Romeijn
"Assessment: A solid foundation." -M.Savonen
"The blockage was a pain in the ass to remove. The patient has
cemented his name into the annals of medicine." -J.A.Z. Pérez
"He has something to put in his trophy cabinet." -A.Tadd
"Makes for an interesting paperweight!" -S.N.Vinson
"Yes a nice conversation piece for your dinner guests." -W.Bradbury
"Just something I was fartin' around with." S.N.Vinson
"Two Tide Pods ingested by this individual would have helped the hardened concrete
to pass from the rectum--or at least permanently eliminated the pain!" -J.Crobaugh
"At first this made no sense, but with the ping pong ball it becomes mad genius..." -W.Northcutt
"Milk of Magnesia would have been the obvious remedy." -B.Davis
"But really." -S.Fantinado
"Reminds me of this Scrubs episode." -Ranger Kevin
"Give the man a cookie--but that would probably also get lost." -K. De Beuckelaer
"I think they were missing the hole point." -S.Fischer
"TITLE: Ping Pong Rectum." -S.Bjeff
"James Taylor song, 'Steamroller Blues' - I'm a cement mixer baby,
a churning urn of burning funk." -R.Causey
"Stamp forehead 'NATB' (not allowed to breed.)" -D.McKillop
"TITLE: '$#!t A Brick...'" -S.Lanena
"Even half a DOZEN Senecots would have trouble shifting that blockage." -G.Windle
"He should have used a gerbil trained to retrieve ping pong balls. "-T.Payne
"Rectum? Dang near killed'im!" -S.Crilley, D.Buchanan