Charles Darwin with a purple swarm around his head, contemplating the twist of fate that natural selection sidestepped these still-living honorable mentions.

2017 Honorable Mention

Next Prev Random Honorable Mentions have misadventures that stop short of the ultimate sacrifice. Nevertheless we salute the spirit of their colossal blunders with an Honorable Mention. Better luck next time!

$#!t A Brick...
2017 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin

Monumentally incredible stupidity verified in a respected Medical Journal! A 20-year-old man arrived at the emergency room complaining of rectal pain. Abdominal films revealed a radiopaque object in the lower rectum. A spherical radiolucency was noted in the upper pole of the mass.

Upon questioning, the patient said that he had been fooling around with a close friend. After stirring a batch of concrete mix, the patient laid on his back with his feet up the wall while his friend poured the slurry through a funnel into his rectum.

Under general anesthesia, the mass was delivered without incident. Examination of the specimen revealed a perfect concrete cast of the rectum, measuring 12x7x5cm and weighing 275g. A layer of concrete was chipped off the upper part of the specimen revealing a white plastic ping-pong ball--the radiolucency observed in the abdominal x-ray.

The cement was an attempt to retrieve a ping pong ball! Blood alcohol level was negative. The attending physician recommended a psychiatric consultation, but the patient declined.


"There is a difference between a submission and a bumsission..." -C.Romeijn
"Assessment: A solid foundation." -M.Savonen
"The blockage was a pain in the ass to remove. The patient has
  cemented his name into the annals of medicine." -J.A.Z. Pérez
"He has something to put in his trophy cabinet." -A.Tadd
"Makes for an interesting paperweight!" -S.N.Vinson
"Yes a nice conversation piece for your dinner guests." -W.Bradbury
"Just something I was fartin' around with." S.N.Vinson
"Two Tide Pods ingested by this individual would have helped the hardened concrete
  to pass from the rectum--or at least permanently eliminated the pain!" -J.Crobaugh
"At first this made no sense, but with the ping pong ball it becomes mad genius..." -W.Northcutt
"Milk of Magnesia would have been the obvious remedy." -B.Davis
"But really." -S.Fantinado
"Reminds me of this Scrubs episode." -Ranger Kevin
"Give the man a cookie--but that would probably also get lost." -K. De Beuckelaer
"I think they were missing the hole point." -S.Fischer
"TITLE: Ping Pong Rectum." -S.Bjeff
"James Taylor song, 'Steamroller Blues' - I'm a cement mixer baby,
  a churning urn of burning funk." -R.Causey
"Stamp forehead 'NATB' (not allowed to breed.)" -D.McKillop
"TITLE: '$#!t A Brick...'" -S.Lanena
"Even half a DOZEN Senecots would have trouble shifting that blockage." -G.Windle
"He should have used a gerbil trained to retrieve ping pong balls. "-T.Payne
"Rectum? Dang near killed'im!" -S.Crilley, D.Buchanan

Submitted by: John M. Wilson
Reference: Am J Forensic Med Pathol, The Well,

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