124 Snakes Seek Less Annoying Housemate
2022 Darwin Award Winner
Confirmed True by Darwin
Confirmed True by Darwin

Maryland Has A Snake Problem #1
(21 November 2021, Maryland) A homeowner in Montgomery County was fed up with a snake infestation. But instead of calling a professional they opted to smoke the basement with burning coals on the basement floor! The coals started a fire that likely did smoke out snakes, but it also spread and burned that house to the ground! Like bringing a chainsaw to a knife fight. There were no (human) injuries, so this one's an Honorable Mention--but check out the next:
Maryland Has A Snake Problem #2

On January 19, 2022, authorities making a 'welfare check' in Pomfret, MD found David Riston dead alone in their house--alone except for numerous species of snakes, some venomous! Cobras, rattlesnakes, black mambas, and a gigantic python were among the 124 serpentine residents still living in the house. These exotic snakes were kept in beautiful habitat enclosures, but evidently one disgruntled Serpente had protested confinement: Autopsy confirmed that the 49-year-old Homo sapiens died of 'accidental' snake envenomation.
Accidental? Did anyone ask the snake about its motives? Also I found no report on which species did it. I sense a parlor mystery game here... The body was discovered on January 19, 2022 and (snort) NEIGHBORS HAD NO IDEA!