Pong Begone! A Gas-Tastrophe
2019 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin
Confirmed True by Darwin

He lit a cigarette.
The interior air exploded, blowing out the glass windows and buckling the doors and frame! Yet the West Yorkshire bungler emerged from the ruins with little injury--don't know how--to the applause of the Internet. We hereby grant him a mocking membership in this common category of misadventure.
Film Examples Include: Buffy The Vampire Slayer torching Lothos with a can of hairspray in the 1992 movie; 007 James Bond exterminating a venomous snake with a cigar and can of aftershave, in Live And Let Die (1973), and Samuel L Jackson's improvised flamethrower, a can of bug spray and a borrowed lighter, to dispatch Snakes On A Plane (2006)
Readers, Pong is defined by Oxford dictionary as (noun) a strong unpleasant smell "corked wine has a powerful pong"; (verb) to smell strongly and unpleasantly, "the place just pongs of dirty clothes".