Charles Darwin with a purple swarm around his head, contemplating the twist of fate that natural selection sidestepped these still-living honorable mentions.

2010 Honorable Mention

Next Prev Random Honorable Mentions have misadventures that stop short of the ultimate sacrifice. Nevertheless we salute the spirit of their colossal blunders with an Honorable Mention. Better luck next time!

Pipe Cleaner
2010 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin

(5 January 2010, Southampton, UK) Oh dear. Yet another man has got his hoo haw stuck in a pipe, taking many delicate maneuvers with a blow torch and METAl grinder to cut him loose from the steel, might as well say it, iron maiden. All told, seven firefighters and medics were involved in the operation. "The crew was worried about things getting too hot during the cutting," said a tongue-in-cheek spokesman for Hampshire Fire and Rescue. As long time readers know, this isn't the first man caught laying pipe...

[insert raccoon picture, link to the other woo woo no no's.]

Submitted by: Morgan Thompkins, davida kiernan
Reference: The Sun (January 7, 2010), daily telegraph 9/1/10

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