Spin Cycle
2008 Honorable Mention
Unconfirmed by Darwin
Unconfirmed by Darwin

(4 July 2008) Two co-workers decided to celebrate the 4th of July in their own special way. The plan? They loaded an old washing machine with tens of pounds of firecrackers, lit a fuse, dropped the lid, and ran...
Nothing happened!! Twenty minutes later they ventured back to the machine, thinking the fuse was a dud. Maybe try again?
Presumably neither was aware of the chemical friendship between oxygen and fire. As they lifted the lid the entire washer exploded (!!!) landing them both in the hospital for several days.
Shrapnel from the washer spread in a 25-ft radius, leaving a large crater in its wake. Considering the impact crater, each perpetrator suffered relatively minor wounds and burns, eh?
Category: tool, holiday, fireworks