2020 Pending Review
Cuts hole in mask
Woman cuts hold in protective mask to make it easier to breathe.
Submitted on 05/05/2020
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Tracy said:
Definitely Keep: Honorable Mention
I do love this story! We have to reject most of the Corona stories due to the disastrous effect of individual actions on the overall population. However, I want to add this as an Honorable Mention, as I'm thinking this person will eventually find a way to achieve a DA! Thanks!
Candi said:
Definitely Toss: Bystanders Hurt
Sorry, but if this woman gets infected and is doing this, there's no telling how many she'll infect. Thanks anyway.
James said:
Definitely Keep: Honorable Mention
I'm only keeping this one because it's a classic example of WHAT'S THE POINT?!!! If you're gonna wear a mask, then WEAR A MASK, for cryin' out loud!!!