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"Brother, Can You Spare a Banana?"
Love Bites
Endogenous Retroviruses and Evolution
Origin of the Novel Species Noodleous doubleous
Aquatic Apes Are People, Too!
Chicken Little Was Right
AIDS, Bubonic Plague, & Evolution
The Skinny On Fat
Forensic Analysis: Achieving Justice
The End of the Universe
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Science Essays 
Book 4

In Search of a Geneticist for the FAQs

"Origin of the Novel Species Noodleous doubleous." 
Tom Schneider proposes, in his notable research paper, that divine intervention is observed in the spontaneous creation of a new life form, Doubleous noodleous. Further evidence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...

Love Bites 
Annaliese Beery, Science Writer

Black widow spider spinsters consume their mates (along with 95 percent of their young) and the fly, Serromyia femorata, administers a death kiss. Read more!

"Brother, Can You Spare a Banana?" 
James G. Petropoulos, Science Writer

One may well ask that question of the next chimpanzee one meets. He's a 99.4% genetic match, and we've discovered that there's a new Homo species in town. Read more!

Endogenous Retroviruses and Evolution 
Stephen Darksyde, Science Writer

Every winter, as regular as Santa, the visitor named influenza makes the rounds. No one knows how these horrid, quasi-living, self-replicating packets of genetic material called viruses first came to be. Read more!

Aquatic Apes Are People, Too! 
Stephen Darksyde, Science Writer

Our unique human qualities include being bald and chubby, nearly hairless, and we carry more body fat than most mammals. Enter Elaine Morgan, a feisty Welsh defender of the Aquatic Ape theory.Read more!

Chicken Little Was Right 
Norm Sleep, Science Writer

The summer day begins on the shallow reef. Fish forage among vegetation as they avoid sharks. Pterodactyls soar in the trade winds. Suddenly, the sky brightens in a second sunrise. Every mobile organism instinctively dives for cover, but there is no hope. Read more!

AIDS, Bubonic Plague, and Human Evolution 
Stephen Darksyde, Science Writer

HIV was found to be fatal despite aggressive treatment, yet physicians noticed a mysterious twist. A minority of patients showed markedly slower disease progress. These lucky few seemed resistant. The race was on to find out why. Read more!

The Skinny On Fat 
Annaliese Beery, Science Writer

Fat, verboten fat, is actually one of the most useful molecules in your body. Without fat you couldn't sleep through the night! Fats are the most efficient storage system you have. When babies are born who cannot digest fat...Read more!

Forensic Analysis: Achieving Justice 
Maia Smith, Science Writer

DNA analysis has exonerated people wrongly sentenced to life in prison. Paternity cases are now open-and-shut. DNA analysis is extremely accurate, unlike traditional criminology, and yet there are pitfalls. Read more!

The End of the Universe 
Stephen Darksyde, Science Writer

There's something seriously wrong with the universe! Heat Death, the Big Crunch, or the Big Rip is coming. What we learned when a sun blew her starry guts out. Read more!

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