The Smoking Gun
2001 Urban Legend
Darwin says, "I was hoodwinked! That this is an urban legend became
apparent when Jessica from Mythbusters called in 2008, looking for sources.
Previously 'Confirmed by Darwin' but now the URLs are 404s (missing.) I
found some of them on the Wayback Machine, with suspicious URLs like
''. Nope, this one is an Urban Legend, bogus, fake, false.
Darwin says, "Wait! Maybe I wasn't hoodwinked! January 2010 an email arrives from a family friend, who was concerned that other people might be injured if they thought this was an Urban Legend. He or she named names, sent phone numbers, facebook pages, and insisted seven ways from Sunday that it's true. Provided with actual names, I was able to unearth media sources. This news page indicates that manslaughter charges were filed, and this random page says the shooter was sentenced to 18 months.
If this story is true (and it's looking likely, again) then the fact that someone was jailed for the shooting requires some scrutiny. Ordinarily you must earn your own Darwin Award, and a jailed shooter argues that it was his fault. However, "Assistant Prosecutor J. David Meyer said Wesley Geisinger, 31, was a willing participant in the prank that killed him." Darwin Award or no...? Hmm.
Confused? Read this Discussion, in the Philosophy Forum.
Still Confused? This Google Search May Help!

The gene pool is in trouble! © 1994 - 2020
Submitted by: Lynn
Reference: WMAD 92.1 Madison, Wisconsin, ABC News, The Associated Press