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How to pick a good banner buy

What to ask us:

How often is my banner displayed?
Our pages give you two displays for the price of one. A single "impression" shows your banner at the top and bottom of each page.

Does my banner come fully loaded?
Alternate text is a must for browsers that don't view images. People will see your message, and you don't even pay for the impression. Plus we add a custom text link with your banner, giving you more screen real estate.

Is my paid banner shown on error pages? This wasteland is not somewhere you want to be. We put banners on good pages like the end of a story. People are ready to leave, and are more receptive to your banner.

How often will an average visitor see my banner? In this case, the fewer times, the better. No more than one ad per visitor, which ensures that your message will not be oversaturated.

How flashy is the page? Does my banner seems less prominent among other blinking ads? Our pages are clean, and offer few distractions from the visual impact of your creative element.

Are the statistics inflated? Some websites count every log entry as a "hit" including every image on the page. We record this page as one hit, not 18 (count images) so you know the real statistics:

What to ask yourself:

Is my creative good?
Art that brands your product draws no mouse clicks. If you WANT them to click, you must ASK them to click. We will evaluate your ads and add clicky features, on your request.

What is my budget? Will targeted Yahoo! ads work better? If you have the money, such ads may be worthwhile. They get results, and charge accordingly. $65CPM for a narrow target audience sounds expensive, but sometimes it's the result that counts. Our ads are cheaper: $10CPM (per thousand).

Will people who read this website use my product? Not if you sell bibles, but if you sell insurance, fireworks, or books, this is a great place to buy. Think about the audience. View our demographics (high on education, income, and tech geeks) or ask for a customized survey.

Banner Advertising is a good buy compared to the expense of newspapers, magazines, and radio. Those cost $400 per day for one tiny print ad, $$$ for a minute of airtime, and the Yellow Pages are astronomical! Buy a banner instead.

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