Darwin Awards II
"Unnatural Selection"

C h a p t e r  4  S t o r i e s

Technology: Engines of Destruction
( Excerpt from Chapter 4 )

Darwin Award: Circular Reasoning
1998, London  |  Two twenty-eight-year-old construction workers, reportedly experienced in their work, fell one hundred feet after cutting a hole through thick concrete without realizing they were standing in the center of the circle. Neither was wearing a safety harness to arrest his eight-story plunge.   Reference: (Unconfirmed) The Times of London

C h a p t e r  4  S t o r i e s

Do It Yourself, Do Yourself In
Two Avalanche Alaskan
Forklift Safety Video
Electrifying Stunt
Intersecting Darwins
Power Punch Proves Fatal
Scooter Snuff
Circular Reasoning
Sweet Release

Snowball's Chance in Hell
Sand Surfing
House Hunting Gone Awry
Coors Light and the UltraLight
Mad Trombonist
Robot Reaper
Prop Arc Safety
Miracle Mile

Darwin Awards - Honorable Mentions - Urban Legends - Personal Accounts

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