Hot Apple Pie
2000 Urban Legend
(March 2000, Idaho) A teenager who imitated a scene from the hit movie "American Pie" was severely burned when he tried to shag a hot apple pie. Dwight Emburger, 17, was rushed to the hospital with serious burns to his penis. He apparently could not quell his desire until the tasty pastry had cooled, and his reward was a penis badly scarred and scalded by the hot filling. A hospital spokesperson in Boise said, "This demonstrates that producers should consider the effects their films have on the idiot gene pool." © 1994 - 2020
Submitted by: Jeremy Adams
have a proof of the story? I don't consider the clipping shown
on the left to be proof. (Steve
says he saw the clipping in that bastion of the bizarre, Weekly
World News.) It contains no verifying information.
Eric Hoffland has some information: "I was listening to the radio on 91x in San Diego, California when Chris Cantory, the DJ, made this story a part of his morning show. He actually called the guy on the phone and aired the conversation. The guy did not say, "Ues I had sex with a hot apple pie," but he did not deny the allegation either, when confronted with the newspaper article. I take that as an admission, and am convinced that the story is true.
John objects to categorizing this as an Urban Legend: "I know a number of people in Idaho who confirmed the story. the person was treated at St Alphonsas hospital."
Moon writes in to "guarantee that clipping is a fake. They don't release names of victims under the age of 18."
Preston Crow researched the last name and claims, "There are no Emburger's with listed phone numbers in Idaho. In fact, the online phonebook at lists only a single Emburger -- in New Jersey. Unlisted phone numbers and errors in online databases are common, so this is not conclusive, but it is suggestive.