Official Movie
Winona Ryder The movie was released in the Summer of 2008 in the USA! Rent it or buy it for yourself. Meanwhile, enjoy these short clips: JATO Rocket Car and Finn Taylor Interview.--
"engagingly wonky comedy" The Calgary Sun... "stoners... end up in a catastrophe so unlikely that a kind of insane logic informs it" Roger Ebert... "a kind of high-brow screwball comedy"... popWatch:... "At Sundance, an overflow crowd at the Eccles Theatre". Film Stew "The enraptured audience stuck around for the wisdom of the filmmaker and cast in the Q&A afterwards... You can pity our species, because this has "hit" written all over it" GreenCINE Daily... "A corporate satire? a mystery? an existential comedy about the nature of random life and human existence? ...a wacky buddy-road-romance movie?" Quirky Cinematical review. Michael Burrows (Joseph Fiennes) is a brilliant but overly cautious forensic detective, who turns his fascination with the Darwin Awards into an avocation. He is paired with Siri Taylor (Winona Ryder) a take-no-prisoners insurance claims investigator. Together they embark on a road trip to see if they can better understand the motivation of potential Darwin Awards recipients. Stories in the Movie: Darwin Awards Press: |
David Arquette and Brad Hunt shooting... (___ and Stan)
Winona Ryder and Joseph Fiennes (Burrows and Siri)