Darwin Awards II
"Unnatural Selection"

C h a p t e r  3  S t o r i e s

Water: All Washed Up
( Excerpt from Chapter 3 )

Darwin Award: Duct Tape
24 April 2000, Oregon  |  A misplaced faith in the miracle of duct tape led to the demise of a man boating on the Columbia River. Duct tape has a reputation for fixing any problem. Steven and a friend were fishing in a twelve-foot aluminum boat held together with multiple duct tape repairs, including the motor mount. Suddenly they encountered rough water and Steven stood up in the boat. The overtaxed duct tape gave way, and the vessel, rated to hold 200 pounds, capsized and tossed the two men and their 640 pounds of equipment into the water. The U.S. Coast Guard rescued the surviving companion the next morning, but Steven was not so lucky. He was found dead in an ill-fitting life jacket. Perhaps if he had duct taped it in place, he would still be sailing the river in his rickety dinghy, instead of holding a Darwin Award.   Reference: (Confirmed) KOIN 6 News

C h a p t e r  3  S t o r i e s

Fishing with No Compass
Duct Tape
Dodging Drink Dues
Walking on Water
Dive to Death

Passionate Plunge
All Aboard
Sewer Shower
Brewery Mishap

Darwin Awards - Honorable Mentions - Personal Accounts


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